Frequently Asked Questions

How does the pricing work?

Pick a plan based on the amount of hours you need. Our virtual assistants will make sure we’re helping in additional areas to maximize your time. There are no long-term contracts or obligations.

What skills do your virtual assistants already have?

Our virtual assistants are well versed in social media management, business administration, accounting, digital marketing, IT, web design, and more. Schedule a call with us to discuss your specific needs.

What if I’m too overwhelmed to train someone?

This is a common issue and one of the reasons why our agency exists. Fortunately, we will match you with someone who is well versed in the areas of expertise needed for your business. Of course, you will have to show us the ropes of your specific business, but thankfully we have a ton of experience servicing clients across the U.S. and the world.

Can I talk to someone about my specific needs?

Absolutely! We are here to service you and your business. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why should I choose The Service Savvy Agency?

Our business is your business. We are a team of independent contractors and freelancers with a passion for servicing small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our goal is to not only help you grow and sustain your business, but we also take pride in developing professional relationships on a personal level.